Welcome to the Calvary Missions Resource Connection. Our primary goal is to provide missionaries with information and resources that help them to serve the Lord effectively in the ministry to which He has called them.
In keeping with that purpose, we offer sending pastors resources to help them understand the needs of their missionaries and what they can do to effectively support those missionaries. Recent studies of missionary attrition, and in particular preventable attrition, has shown that there is a tremendous cost to the missions world both in human terms (unsupported missionaries leaving the field broken and discouraged) and financial terms (years of preparation and training wasted when the missionary leaves the field after only a few years) due to preventable causes.
The ReMAP study, conducted in the 1990s by the Missions Commission of the World Evangelical Fellowship, showed that the most important factors in preventing the loss of career missionaries were a clear call to mission work from God, a supportive family and spouse, the ability to maintain a healthy spirituality without outside support, the ability to adapt to other cultures, strong relationships with leaders and co-workers, good pastoral care including regular contact with the home church, and regular financial provision from the home country. Further information about this study can be found in Too Valuable to Lose: Exploring the Causes and Cures of Missionary Attrition, edited by William D. Taylor (William Carey Library, 1997, Pasadena, CA)
In order to prevent unnecessary attrition, pastors are encouraged to provide adequate screening and training before sending missionaries to the foreign field and to nurture their missionaries both when they are on the field and during home visits. In addition, we encourage pastors to properly welcome their missionaries home when their time on the field is finished, allowing them to end well and continue serving the Lord in whatever new endeavor He has called them to.
Catalyst Services has put together a brief article, based on feedback from global workers, describing the realities of overseas ministry and ways churches can help in each of the stages of ministry. The resources linked on the pages to the left equip pastors to screen, train, nurture, support, and welcome their missionaries. If you know of any additional resources we can include, please let us know through the 'Contact' button below.