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Serving as Senders Today by Neal Pirolo

Pirolo describes the need for a strong support team for missionaries, not just in terms of finances and prayer support, but in moral support, logistical support, communication support, and re-entry support. Written primarily to those who will form the support team, instructing them how to most effectively support their missionaries, the book is also excellent for missionaries who are developing their support team, helping them to anticipate their needs and plan accordingly by building a team that will support them in all these areas. (Available from


Never Do Fundraising Again: A Paradigm Shift from Donors to Lifelong Partners by Ken Williams, Ph.D. and Gaylyn R. Williams

Williams and Williams, a father and daughter team, focus on creating and maintaining partnerships with donors by ministering to them, expressing gratitude, encouraging and praying for them, and communicating with them through personal notes, letters, email, social media, phone calls, and personal visits. They stress the importance of building relationships and caring for partners as a part of one's ministry, based on Paul's relationship with the church at Philippi.

Friend Raising: Building a Missionary Support Team that Lasts by Betty Barnett

Barnett explains how to build a support team by developing relationships which are based on generosity, communication, and mutual prayer. Her book combines principles of support raising with personal testimonies and practical tips and includes a list of related resources and various forms for self-evaluation, budgeting, and record-keeping.


The God Ask by Steve Shadrach

Shadrach, the Executive Director of the Center for Mission Mobilization, which sponsors Support Raising Solutions Bootcamps, guides prospective missionaries through the process of support raising, first examining the biblical foundation for raising support to work in ministry, then discussing all the steps to work through to raise full support. His strategy is based on being confident of one's calling and having a right perspective, keeping focus on the vision for the ministry, then dealing with the nitty-gritty of setting aside several months of full-time work namestorming, developing a presentation, and arranging for face-to-face appointments with those you are asking onto your support team. He closes the book with a short description of the ongoing responsibility to maintain relationships with one's supporters. Included in the appendix are Bible study suggestions and support-raising worksheets and templates.

People Raising: A Practical Guide to Raising Funds by William P. Dillon

Dillon, the founder of Inner City Impact and People Raising, a ministry that provides fundraising training for missionaries, begins by helping his readers to develop a healthy attitude toward fundraising. The bulk of the book explains the twelve steps of fundraising which include identifying prospective donors, keeping records, making appointments, conducting visits, and mainting contact. He concludes the book by giving a donor's perspective, discussing the role of a coach in fundraising, and stressing the importance of prayer in the process.

Funding Your Ministry: An In-depth Biblical Guide for Successfully Raising Personal Support by Scott Morton

In Funding Your Ministry Morton begins by considering obstacles that held people back from effective fundraising, the correct attitude and values, the biblical basis for fundraising, myths about fundraising, common fundraising mistakes, and principles of good financial management. He then goes on to discuss how to establish and implement a fundraising strategy from making the initial phone call to the meeting to follow-up and writing newsletters, and closes by addressing specific groups: ministry leaders, pastors, mission committees, overseas missionaries, beginners, single women, and ethnic minorities. The appendix contains a Bible study on ministry funding as well as worksheets and report forms.

A Spirituality of Fundraising by Henri Nouwen

When Money Goes on Mission: Fundraising and Giving in the 21st Century by Rob Martin

God and Elephants: A Worshipper's Guide to Raising Support by Heather Ricks


Support Raising Solutions offers a two day support raising bootcamp, based on the book The God Ask by Steve Shadrach, in various locations around the United States to teach potential missionaries how to develop a support team.

Located in Oak Brook, Illinois, the organization People Raising offers one and two-day conferences, based on the book of the same name, to train individuals on support raising techniques. They also have a dvd set and related materials on their website.

Didasko Intercultural Ministry Training offers a free online course on personal fundraising for missionaries.

Global Trellis offers an online workshop on support raising from the field.

Provisio Fundraising offers an online curriculum and one-on-one coaching for missionaries as well as a blog with articles about support-raising and communicating with one's partners.


Writing Exceptional Missionary Newsletters by Sandy Weyeneth

Weyeneth provides an overview of the importance of missionary newsletters and offers tips for improving one's writing. She also gives practical information about mailing, emailing, and using social media and lists many helpful resources including other books to read and organizations that provide letter services.

Enjoying Newsletters: How to Write Christian Communications People Want to Read by Amy Young

Young focuses on instructing her readers how to improve one's writing and developing as a writer, giving practical instructions in the 'Your Turn' section at the end of each chapter. She gives a great overview of her book in a blog post on A Life Overseas.

For a brief overview with some tips, check out these articles:

Newsletter Ideas for Overseas Workers on Our Goodwin Journey

Ten Steps to Writing a Memorable Missionary Newsletter on TEAM website

How to Design a Beautiful Missionary Newsletter in 5 Steps on TEAM website

See also the Supporter Management Software page for software to help you manage your mailing list.

Newsletter Writing


Ask a Missionary has a series of questions and answers on topics related to support raising.

Ergatas works to connect missionaries with those who want to support them by allowing missionaries to create a profile at no cost and allowing supporters to search their database of missionaries based on a keyword or name of organization. Supporters are then brought to to the missionary's profile with a link directly to the missionary's donation page.

Calvary Missions Resource Connection is a ministry to missionaries and senders. Our primary goal is to provide missionaries with the information and resources they need to enable them to fulfil the ministry God has called them to. In addition, we work to equip pastors and senders with the information they need to support their missionaries as they prepare for the mission field, while they are living overseas, and upon their return to their passport country.

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