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Missionary Tech Support has a link to a free downloadable manual for PCs and provides tech support by e-mail to missionaries serving overseas.

Missionary Tech Team provides technical services to missionaries, including computer software, graphics services, and facilities planning.

LightSys provides free-of-charge computer consulting, training, software development, and missions mobilization "to equip missions and missionaries and provide the knowledge and contacts needed to support their technology."

Hands to Serve, located in the Netherlands, assists missionaries with technical assistance, cars, computers and clothing.

Missionary Films creates videos for missionaries to highlight their ministries and offers a course which trains individuals on missionary filmmaking. Their website also contains some free resources to help missionaries create their own ministry video.

AniMissions teaches workshops (8 hours) and courses (6 weeks) for missionaries, training them "to use digital animation creation tools to create media that communicates the gospel cross-culturally." 

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